Thursday 18 August 2011


Seek for the source where mind is effaced.
You travel alone on a mystery train;
By this metaphor we're comfortably placed,
To travel by providence free from all pain.
So put your heavy baggage on the rack,
Only a poor fool wears it on his head!
Be glad, accept the predestined track,
Rest quietly, safe at home on your bed!
Surrender in joyful jubilation!
Surrender utterly to God's almighty will,Surrender with total resignation,
Surrender knowing all will be well,
Surrender whole heartedly with one accord,
Take safe refuge in the all loving Lord!

Saturday 6 August 2011


Brahman makes Maya in endless profusion,

He juggles atoms in a vast creative surge,

In full flood of His energetic vital urge,

If misunderstood 'That' leads to confusion.

He designs a dramatic dream of life,

For each individual immortal soul,

So one day he or she becomes free and whole,

Restored to Real Selfhood, abundantly rife.

Gaze in the glass and greet one's reflection,

That head on a body is not the true me.

We've made a most disastrous deduction,

We're the Self, not the grinning face that we see.

So pay full tribute to Brahman's great skill,

All's for one's ultimate good, and not for one's ill.